The Margaux Lönnberg collection emerged from salt deserts to run the world
The woman of A Thousand faces. A Thousand bodies. A Thousand thoughts.
And for its Thousand Muses, a unique collection.
They may roam the roads, pocketknife in hand
Or bang their heels on the dirty tarmac
These girls are from everywhere and all clays
The small of her back
The roundness of her waist
The dance of her breasts
On the roads, tracks or rooftops,
She puts a mantle on her shoulders, her sweater like an armor
Her jacket is like a second skin
In the cold, it cuddles
In exaltation, it lightens the heavy tango
Each piece is a revealed note
The Margaux Lönnberg collection is made for free souls
- liberated spirits above all -
[ Exit C.O.D.E.S & C.L.I.C.H.É.S ]