Sunday openings and special opening hours

Are there any special opening hours, like Sunday openings, in Switzerland today? Find all shops in which you can go shopping outside normal business hours here.

Sunday openings as the saving grace of stressed out people

Every time a center or outlet announces a Sunday opening or other special opening hours, it’s a moment of great joy for a lot of us. Shopping, eating out or just strolling around with the whole family - Sundays are the best days for that. TheLabelFinder offers you a neat overview of all the places you will find what you’re looking for, even on a Sunday.

In which shops can I shop on Sundays?

On 30/11/2025 you can go shopping in these shopping centers, outlet centers and pedestrian areas in in Switzerland . Whether shoes, jewellery, clothes or accessories - TheLabelFinder shows you where to find what your’re looking for! Usually shops are open from 1pm until 6pm on Sundays, but some shops open even earlier or close later.

Every shop, shopping center, outlet and forum indicates their individual opening hours so you can make full use of the Sunday openings with your friends and loved ones. That way you can find whatever you are looking for also outside regular opening hours.

Special opening hours

Aside from Sunday openings, some shops offer even more special opening hours. More and more often, you will find events like midnight shopping or a ladies’ night. Other shops might take part in Glamour Shopping Week during which clever shoppers can make use of special discounts or receive some other goodies. Please note that a fixed Sunday opening does not necessarily mean a shop is participating. You can find out whether a shop is closed or open on a Sunday here at TheLabelFinder.

Sunday openings and special opening hours in Switzerland

Go to the mall after a long day of work? Drive to an outlet center on a busy Saturday? Often times, we lack the energy and passion for that. Kids are tired from school and you really only want to unwind on the couch. Sound familiar? All the better that in Switzerland, some shops are allowed to open on a few Sundays.

In Switzerland, opening hours aren’t scheduled on a federal level. Each canton can decide for themselves. This is why regular business hours differ from canton to canton. There was a law suggested to come up with federal regulations, but this was soon dismissed - just as a discussed loosening of opening hours on Sundays, mostly due to the criticism by labor unions and church organisations. Train stations and airports are allowed to open shop on Sundays thanks to exemptions in "centers of public transport".

The canton of Zurich also has looser regulations. Here, family businesses can be open on Sundays if they meet certain requirements.